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How Workhouse overcame double bookings with our event planning tool

It’s official: Our event planning tool is now available in the USA! Learn how Workhouse went from double booking to error-free and cost-effective event planning with Yesplan.

Can you tell me a bit more about Workhouse?

The Workhouse Arts Center has been around for a little over 20 years. And fun fact: we’re actually housed in a former prison facility. Our campus has 55 acres and 26 buildings, so there is always quite a lot going on here. For now, we’ve renovated about half of the campus, so we’ve got big plans coming up. We’re also not your typical Arts Center, with over 80 artists housed in their own studios, we have a very large community arts program and produce large scale outdoor events too.” - Leon Scioscia (President and CEO of Workhouse)

How did you hear about our event planning tool and what made you decide to start using it? 

"I have worked with some of your competitors before and I wasn’t all that pleased with what those other event management platforms were doing. So I knew, when I made the decision to come here, that I was not bringing one of the other systems with me. One of my former colleagues, Robert Friend, recommended me to have a look at Yesplan. I was so impressed with the potential your event planning tool has to offer, that I decided to bring it with me.” - Leon

What problems did you want to solve using our software? 

“We have a number of entities that operate within the organization, and with those entities come a lot of different spaces and they’re all quite unique. So that means that we sometimes have multiple activities going on at the same time. Without Yesplan, it would have been difficult to manage those spaces and who was in what space at what time.” - Scott Rumberger (Director, Studio and Facility Operations)

“I inherited an organization that had virtually no understanding of what was being done where, and that’s what I wanted Yesplan to do for us. I wanted it to give us that calendar function in a manageable and effective way - this way we no longer have to worry about double bookings.” - Leon 

Did Yesplan improve any of your workflows? 

“Yes. I honestly just love the conflict feature (learn in 2 minutes how it works). It basically alerts us of any space issues we might run into. And the way that the conflict feature works, it allows me to grab the information needed and send it to the people involved. That’s something that has saved me a ton of time. Because whereas in the past we might not even have been aware of those space issues at all, now it literally takes me 60 seconds to diagnose the issue, screenshot it, put it into an email and solve it way ahead of time.” - Scott

What do you think are the three biggest advantages of our event planning tool?

  1. Now we’ve got about 15 to 20 different rooms to manage. And once we finalize building out this campus, we’re going to have significantly more rooms. Now, what I think is one of the biggest strengths is that you can get a great overview of all those rooms on one screen. And at the same time, you can use custom presets for your view. This way, we can effortlessly view our rental spaces or educational spaces.

  2. The permissions are very detailed and so easy to digest. You can have it to a place where only administrators are able to put something in the confirmed status. This helps a ton because when you're looking at the calendar, it's very easy to tell what's new and what’s not just due to color coding. Besides, those permission templates make it easier for us to cater Yesplan to our specific needs.

  3. There are different platforms coming up these days and many of those platforms are complex and have multi-layer processes to them. What I like about Yesplan is its clean format and simplicity. If there were all these different widgets and things to click on, I’d think people would get pretty overwhelmed. 

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What does the future look like? 

We’ve got several big renovation projects coming up in the next few years. For example, we want to convert our old barn into a 3000 seat amphitheater and the large gym buildings into an education center. And I feel that with Yesplan we’ve got such a good foundation for the organization of those spaces. As our spaces and staff grow, the software will be growing with us. We will be creating more user groups and start to think about how Yesplan can work for us from a production point of view.” - Leon

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