Join us on August 6th & discover how you can organise your summer events effortlessly!



Endless possibilities thanks to our integrations

Not everyone can be the best at everything. We’re really good at event planning software, but that does not make us experts on accounting, for instance. That is why we believe in the ‘Best of Breed’ principle: we let experts build on our software. Ticketing, your website, digital signage: everything can be perfectly integrated thanks to the Yesplan API.

Our API 

Yesplan’s API allows your saved data to be smoothly integrated into other software. Easy linking is key.

  • Get started with the API and integrate how and where you like it. 
  • All Yesplans data can be extracted.  
  • An endless array of expanding options. 
  • Standard RESTful API.


See exactly how ticket sales are going with a push of the button.

  • You can automate event creation in your ticketing system so they always include the correct basic information such as date, location, hours, title, ... 
  • Every change made in Yesplan will be synchronised. All box office sales figures are updated automatically.  
  • Combine contract details with box office sales so you can calculate results for both the venue and the booking agency in the blink of an eye.


Update your website in a breeze. All of Yesplan’s data can be linked to your CMS, saving you time and effort.

  • Feed your CMS with basic content like date, location, time and title — straight from Yesplan. 
  • Stay updated: every change in Yesplan will be registered by your CMS and will flow straight into the website. 
  • Manage all activities centrally from Yesplan. 
Digital signage

Digital signage

Last-minute changes? No problem, Yesplan will make the right info appear on all screens in your venue.

  • No need to reinsert the programming into the signage system. 
  • Adapt all basic info, from the date to the scheduled time, straight from Yesplan. 
  • One place to manage all activities and the related information.

Staff planning

Yesplan allows you to schedule your employees, volunteers, freelancers and temporary workers. Allow them to communicate directly with the system. 

  • Easy planning from one central system. 
  • Streamlined communication with all your staff and assistants about availabilities and the schedule. 
  • The team members involved get updates about the latest changes in the schedule. 


Would you like to have a good overview of all your finances? Save time and make fewer mistakes using an integration with your accounting/finance system.

  • Forward invoice lines one on one to the finance system for invoicing. This way you avoid mistakes and generate invoices in no time. 
  • Invoice lines are booked on the correct ledger numbers and cost centres. 
  • Faster invoicing ensures a better cash flow in your organisation. 
  • Never miss out on income and make sure that everything has been invoiced.

Want to know more? Ask for a demo

Seeing is believing. We would love to show you in person how our software will work to suit your organisation.