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Olavshallen employees reduce stress with Yesplan

Olavshallen in Trondheim has about 320 concerts and a visitor count of 180,000 people a year. A planning tool such as Yesplan can come in handy. "We didn’t realize we were in need of a new planning system, but when we saw Yesplan we knew that we wanted it."

Inspired by Aarhus 

According to Marit, Program & Marketing manager at Olavshallen, they weren’t looking for a new planning system. Yesplan just came on their path. “We were talking to our colleagues of Musikhuset in Aarhus. They had been using Yesplan for a while and were very satisfied. After five minutes of them showing all the features we all thought: “Ok, we might not have realized we needed this, but now we do!” 

"Actually, we were already using a planning tool, but it wasn’t living up to our standards any longer. Support, development and layout became more important to us over the years.”  

“We didn’t realize we needed a new planning system, until we saw Yesplan”

Saving time… and reducing frustration 

So what were the basic requirements for a new system? According to Marit, they can be captured in three key words: functionality, accessibility and time-saving.

1. Functionality
“The system is so intuitive it is hard to make a mistake. When a conflict occurs, you get a warning and the system advises you how to solve the issue. Things that might occur in a cultural venue, like a double booking, are almost impossible with Yesplan. The system warns you that you made a mistake. That really puts our minds at ease.”
2. Accessibility 

Another benefit of Yesplan and requirement for a new tool at Olavshallen is accessibility. “Our whole organisation runs on Yesplan: the marketing department, the board of directors, cleaning personnel… 

Everyone has to be comfortable with it regardless of computer skills, and everyone is. At the same time, it’s important that there’s easy access to other people’s input. Only then you can have a smooth collaboration.”

“A major asset of Yesplan is its intuitiveness: everyone can find their way around.”

3. Time-saving 
The consequence of functionality and accessibility is saving time, and getting rid of a lot of stress and frustration. “There are fewer emails being sent back and forth”, Marit confirms. “When I have to search for available dates e.g. I know exactly where to go and the status of whatever is planned already is very clear because of the colour codes.” 

Yesplan ticked all the boxes very easily, according to Marit. Before the interview Marit asked other departments at Olavshallen if there was anything they wanted to say, if there are any features that need to be improved. “Nothing came up”, she laughs.

Change the way of thinking

After having signed a contract with Yesplan, every company goes through an implementation process. Data from the old tool has to be implemented in Yesplan and employees learn how to work with the tool. At Olavshallen, they did not take this lightly. “It requires a lot of thinking and processing. And we wanted to do it right from the very beginning. This process went very smoothly.” 
Customer Success Manager Wim Casier was responsible for the implementation at Olavshallen. “He did it very thoroughly and even anticipated answers on questions we might have. If we had a question, the answer was right there. Yesplans DNA, being founded inside a cultural organisation itself before becoming independent, is a huge asset. The experience of the team in the cultural sector makes the training process go smoothly. They know what we need.”

“Yesplan has become a way of thinking and is part of our lives”

Integrations coming up 

One of the major assets of Yesplan is the possibility to integrate it with other systems. So far, Olavshallen hasn’t used this feature yet, but Marit and her team are certainly planning to do so in the future. “We would like an integration with our ticketing provider Eventim. Another interesting integration is Tripletex for the accounting department. It’s our job now to use Yesplan to its full extent and take it to the next level, so to speak.” 

It is clear that Yesplan is fully incorporated into Olavshallen. “We see Yesplan as a friend”, Marit jokingly says. “It has become part of our way of thinking and daily work life. Yesplan has surely had a positive impact on every part of the organisation.” 

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