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"Our mantra? Open Yesplan first, then your email"

Schouwburg Amstelveen has been working with Yesplan since 2015. Their way of working with the system has been constant since the beginning and that works quite well for them. Never change a winning team, right? 

We had a lovely chat with José Haverman, Head Organisation & Events at Schouwburg Amstelveen, and talked about how Yesplan supports their daily activities.

Hi José, the first question we’d like to ask you is: How and when did you first hear about Yesplan? 

In 2014, we were contemplating about switching to another ticketing system. When several people at other venues mentioned Yesplan, we decided to attend the users day in Utrecht. We gathered lots of information about Yesplan and learned that it’s very hands-on to use, which was exactly what we were looking for in new software. We aimed to find a kind of plug & play system, and Yesplan met those needs. 

So user-friendliness was the most important factor to switch to a new system? 

It was one of the main ones, but the possibility of integrating with Ticketmatic also proved to be a big bonus. We were looking for a way to make our schedule more structured and for a planning system that suits our people and our organisation. Furthermore, reporting is important for us to track our workflows.

All the pieces of the puzzle seemed to fit! Can you tell us more about how your organisation is using the reports module? 

First of all, we make our employees clear that it is essential to put every piece of data or information in Yesplan, from figures about visitors and show reports to technical data about lighting. If everything is logged correctly, it’s very simple for us to check the overview and evaluate the data at the end of the week or month. 

Chris, our Customer Success Manager and contact person at Yesplan assisted us with the implementation of all modules. It was all about setting up an efficient system that was good to go at the very first day. This created time to get to know the software and make optimal use of it.

What is your secret to make sure that everyone in the organisation is using Yesplan the way it should be used, in order for you to have the necessary data at hand? 
Ranging from events to playbooks, we insist that everything should be inputted in Yesplan, and most of the time, this is the case. Our baseline is: “When you start your workday, make sure you open Yesplan first before opening your email program.” Yesplan truly is the record of truth of our organisation because it provides us with a centralised digital space. At the same time, this space is adapted and personalised to our sector and organisation.

“Our baseline is: When you start your workday, make sure you open Yesplan first before opening your email program.”

We know it’s been a while, but do you remember how the integration and implementation went, back in 2015? 

Pretty smoothly. Together with Chris (our Customer Success Manager), we have managed to optimise the smallest details of the processes of every department. This setup and the convenience of the system enabled us to start working with Yesplan from day one, exactly how we wanted it to run. 

Which integrations are you currently using? 

Like we said before, we are using the integration with Ticketmatic to centralise our ticketing sales and our accounting is connected with Exact. Another tool we find useful is the integration with our CMS system which allows us to keep our website up-to-date regarding break times, leaflets, number of tickets and so much more. 

Great to hear that you are using that many integrations! Has that always been the case? How has the use of Yesplan evolved throughout the years? 

To be honest, we are more or less using the same working methods. And since our organisation truly benefits from this, we don’t feel the need to change a lot. 

What we do initiate is a yearly account review with Chris and a number of our employees. We evaluate our methods, look at the way other cultural venues are managing their organisations and get specific answers to our questions. We like this balance: we can make use of the system in our own way, the way we’re used to, but at the same time, we are sure that the right support and sounding board is always around the corner in case we need it

“Thanks to the convenience, we were able to start working with Yesplan from day one.” – José Haverman, Schouwburg Amstelveen
What do you deem Yesplan’s most valuable asset? 

The fact that everything is centralised in one place is very useful. On top of that, we are saving so much time because it is easy to automatically export all the data we need. I have to admit, I used to keep a tally to count some of our numbers, so switching to Yesplan has been a giant leap forward for me (laughs). 

No doubt about that! Finally, we would like to ask you about your experience at our last users' day. 

The last user day we attended was in Utrecht. It was nice to connect with people that work in the same sector. There was also an opportunity to study cases from other organisations. That is one of the things I appreciate the most: other cultural venues and theatres share their methods so openly. This transparent atmosphere always contributes to an educational day. We’re looking forward to the next meet-up! 

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