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Kulturhuset Ælvespeilet Part 1: Creating extra time thanks to the efficiency of Yesplan

Kulturhuset Ælvespeilet is an amazing Norwegian cultural centre with a panoramic river view. Since 2020, they have been using Yesplan as their main event and staff planner. We had a chat with Erik Friesl, the manager of Kulturhuset Ælvespeilet. He is in charge of programming, budget, accounting and is responsible for all staff. 

This article is part 1 of our interview with Kulturhuset Ælvespeilet. 
Find part two with Technical Engineer Rune Sundby here

Better workflows thanks to a successful implementation

"Rune, our Sound Engineer, was in charge of implementing Yesplan. He's doing a very rigorous job, really building up the system step by step, layer by layer. Rune has been mapping the needs of all our departments: who needs which information, when do they need it and where do they want to find it? We have been creating a better and more efficient workflow by just taking a deeper look into our processes and see how Yesplan could help us do it more efficiently. The implementation period gave us the time to create that strong foundation, that’s been really good. We had time and we knew we were going to do it in detail and get it right straight away, so that we don't have to take a few steps back in the future and do certain things all over again." 

Erik is also very happy with Yesplan's follow-up during this implementation period: "I get clear answers to everything I ask. During our online meetings, we have interesting discussions and your team clearly understands our needs and the way we do stuff. You always manage to come up with good solutions." 

“The implementation period gave us the time to create that strong foundation, that’s been really good.”

- Erik Friesl

© Kai Hansen

Erik's favourite features

Kulturhuset Ælvespeilet has been using Yesplan for a while now, and Erik already knows what he likes the most about Yesplan: 

"From my point of view, it’s both the drag and drop function of the events and the ability to have individual settings. That’s a lot more convenient. Rune, our admin, can generate and limit the access for the users. Within that access, the users can have more individual settings. For example, I need to know if someone adds changes to an event. I can choose the updates that I want to receive automatically and I can do that by myself, in my settings. I like that a lot!"

"Secondly, I like how the interface is easy to use. When you look at it, it doesn’t take too long to understand: it’s not complicated but comprehensive at the same time. It’s really user friendly and I like that! Lastly, Yesplan just looks good, it’s so easy to look at." 

"...all my colleagues save time using Yesplan!"

- Erik Friesl

What's next for Kulturhuset Ælvespeilet?

Since Kulturhuset Ælvespeilet was a rather recent client at the time of this interview, they still had some things to look forward to in the near feature. 

Erik: "There's one thing I lack, and that's time. My to-do list is kind of long, so I'm looking forward to continue working more efficiently and I want to ensure that not only I, but all my colleagues save time using Yesplan! Extra time means we can focus on the bookings, the finances, upgrading our systems, I can focus on my colleagues, make sure they are happy… It gives us a lot of possibilities! In addition, I’m also really looking forward to tailor Yesplan even more to the workflows that we have at our venue." 

Want to read about Runes experience with Yesplan, Technical Engineer at Kulturhuset Ælvespeilet? Find it here.

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