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Theatre and dance groups: Maximising flexibility within Yesplan

When you think of Yesplan, the first association that comes to mind is usually theatre and concert halls. However, you might be surprised to learn that our event planning software is equally well-suited for producing and touring companies. Dutch dance company Introdans stands as a prime example of how Yesplan’s adaptability knows no bounds.

Half a century of dance excellence

Introdans has been captivating audiences with their dance performances since 1971. From their studios in Arnhem, they craft original productions and reimagined classics, which then grace prestigious stages both home and abroad. 

For instance, in December, they are set to debut Swan Lake, inspired by Tchaikovsky's renowned masterpiece. Maarten van den Berg, Coordinator of Technique and Production at Introdans, tells us exactly why they made the choice to opt for Yesplan.

Unified planning across all departments

With about 80 staff members and 130 annual performances, Introdans ranks among the top four Dutch dance ensembles. For years, they juggled disparate schedules within individual departments using separate Word and Excel documents.

In practical terms, this meant that each time Introdans sold a new performance, separate schedules had to be created for each department. "These numerous Word documents are error-prone, as information may not always be entirely up-to-date or reliable. We’re aiming to address this issue with Yesplan," says Maarten.

This led Maarten to explore various planning software options on the market. Yesplan emerged as the clear frontrunner. "I compared seven different options side by side before reaching this conclusion. Additionally, I visited Oostpool, a theatre production company with substantial experience using Yesplan. They are very happy with it. Yesplan has a lot of knowledge when it comes to collaborating with touring companies," Maarten explains.

How does planning software adapt to a producing and touring company?

So, what sets a producing dance company apart from a fixed venue theatre? How does Yesplan accommodate these unique requirements? "Because of Yesplan's flexibility, you can tailor it to your specific needs," says Maarten. 

Within Yesplan, you work with a calendar in which you create events based on both time and place, which we call a location. For example, a theatre hall would create an event for a performance in its main hall on a specific date. However, a producing company operates differently. 

"A new production begins with preparations and rehearsals. After 3 months in our studios, which are designated as separate locations in Yesplan, it moves to major theatres across the Netherlands. Since we don't want to make a separate location for each performance, we create a location in Yesplan specifically for the tour. The column stays the same, but the physical space changes for each event. This way, there’s no need to create a separate location for each performance," Maarten explains.

Dance for all: learning with Yesplan

Introdans doesn’t solely focus on producing performances. They also have an educational component. "We aim to connect with the largest possible audience through dance. That's why we arrange performances and workshops in schools, community centres and retirement homes. Within Yesplan, those places get a separate location. This ensures that we have a clear understanding of who is performing, what, where and when. With Yesplan, we get a clear overview of all our activities," says Maarten.

Seeing is believing

Join us for a 25-minute recording that unveils Yesplan's potential for your organisation. Witness firsthand the features and benefits that can streamline your event planning and scheduling process.