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De Spil: from a chance encounter on the train to becoming Yesplan's very first customer

2011 was not only the year in which Game of Thrones premiered and Prince William and Kate got married (feeling old yet?), but also the year in which Yesplan was founded and De Spil became our very first customer! This makes our 10th anniversary the perfect occasion for an interview with Dirk Cornelis, CEO of Cultural Centre De Spil.

Rewind to 2011

The year is 2011 and Yesplan is a brand new start-up. That same year, Dirk Cornelis, CEO of De Spil, happens to be on the same train as one of Yesplan's founders. "Just imagine, 10 years ago digitalisation had not really started yet. The walls of our cultural centre were covered with folders containing contracts. Many of our employees were solely occupied with administration, and I actually wanted them to focus more on the artistic and creative aspect," says Dirk. "A chance meeting on the train made me talk to one of Yesplan's founders. She told me about Yesplan and how, thanks to the software, we could free up more time for other things, which proved to be true. This is how we actually became one of the very first users of the demo version of Yesplan.

What makes us especially happy? That you respond to our suggestions

"Whether we have seen Yesplan change? We have actually only seen you grow. You have gone through an evolution that I find quite remarkable. It's not like you just developed software and then sold it. You're actually constantly working on your venue management software. That's something we here at De Spil are very pleased about, you take suggestions from your customers and you also look for solutions to personal problems."

“ Your strongest asset is that you listen to your users. You are very approachable and there is no barrier to contacting you.

- Dirk Cornelis

Dirk's favourite features at a glance

"Our favourite features? Too many to mention. New features are released regularly and you also respond to customer requests," says Dirk. If he has to make a choice, these are his top three features: 

    • The permissions: "Within Yesplan you can work on different levels of permissions and each user can be individualised. We've perfected using this feature and are reaping a lot of benefits from it."
    • Integrations to website, ticketing tool & personnel planning: "This took a while, but now those integrations are ready to use. That means that almost everything is in one place. We hope to take further steps in this area in the future." 
    • Cloud-based software: "You were the first cloud-based software we worked with."

Our birthday wish for Yesplan

Of course, with a birthday comes birthday wishes! That's why we asked Dirk if he had a birthday message for us. 

"Keep up the good work! The fact that Yesplan has existed for 10 years and continues to grow, means that many cultural venues had, and still have, a great need for planning software. Your strongest asset is that you listen to your users. You are very approachable and there is no barrier to contacting you. We hope that you will continue to pay attention to this personal connection as you continue to grow as a company!"

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