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The MAC saves time by showing their room availability online

The Midlands Arts Centre (MAC) has now got a live feed from their Yesplan system directly to their website, so that customers wishing to hire one of their spaces can check availability themselves.

A win-win situation

Damien Vincent, Head of Customer Services at the MAC, realised that they could save a lot of time, if their website displayed when rooms are booked or available. He turned to Supercool, their digital agency, and us at Yesplan to help. 

The brief was pretty straightforward: enabling customers to find out room availabilities online, thus greatly improving and speeding up the communication processes. A classic win-win situation for the MAC and their customers: no more losing time on queries about non-available rooms and helping customers find available rooms for conferences or meetings quicker. 

“The brief was pretty straightforward: enabling customers to find out room availabilities online.”

The live availability tool

Yesplan provided all the information on the API and Supercool were able to use this to populate the website. The clever bit was making sure that it was mobile responsive and really easy to understand, which they did beautifully. You can take a look at it yourself here.

The tool is also future-proof, meaning new rooms can be added when the MAC team develops their room hire offer. 

What our UK Sales Manager Patrick Morsman has to say about this? "We’re really happy that our customers are starting to use the API for projects like this. It’s such an intelligent use of the technology that will directly lead to time saving and efficiency. That’s what we and companies like Supercool are all about, making technology work harder so you can work smarter.”

“That's what we and companies like Supercool are all about, making technology work harder so you can work smarter.” - Patrick Morsman